Sunday, April 18, 2010

Parenting FAIL or yes, we were totally THAT FAMILY this morning during church...

Sometimes I feel like a complete failure as a parent.  Today was one of those days...

We have been attending the 9:30 service at our chuch - Faith Church in Oakland.  A few months ago, Faith started a second service, so that there is a modern/contemporary service at 9:30 and traditional worship at 11:00.  I spend my teen years attending churches with a contemporary worship - so I was very excited about this new service.  I attend most Sunday mornings with the girls. 

I reallly love the format of the modern service.  There is just a teensy problem though. 

Right now since attendence at the modern (early) service is pretty low there is no children's service for the kids during the sermon.  Now, I know what you are thinking - when I was a child, there was no such thing as children's church - we sat through the entire sermon and we were quiet as little church mice...or else! 

Well, there is where the FAIL part of this post comes in.

It seems like we have yet to have a Sunday where I have not had to take one (or both) of the girls out of the service for not being quiet or just flat out being disruptive.  Most of the time, I am pretty philosophical about it - they try to behave for the most part.  But today...oh, today...

It was awful!  I took Tara out twice during the praise service - she kept wanting to go back and forth between her seat and her friend - the preacher's daughter...of course.   Who is always perfectly quiet...  After the second time she came back to our seats, I told her she could not go back to her friend.  Much drama ensued, leading to the first visit to the vestibule.  The second time, she literally made a break for it and went all wet noodle on me when I tried to keep her in her seat.  Cue the second visit to the hallway. 

After a sterm lecture from me and a pop on her bottom that she sullenly told me she was going to wipe off...she settled down and started coloring in a coloring book quietly.  I'll take it.

Then Savannah, who up until this point was behaving perfectly, decided to snatch the coloring book from Tara and, when Tara (understandably) protested, she stage whispered that she wanted to show her something.  She began flipping pages - loudly - and after a moment, I notice several disapproving glances our way.  I realize she really doesn't intend to show Tara anything and to settle it, I take the book back.  

Cue the drama - and just plain out orneriness from Savannah. 

I had had it at that point.  I was near tears with embarrassment.  I had not been able to listen to the message and I knew that they were being disruptive to others there trying to worship.  I yanked them both up and we left right in the middle of the sermon.  Well, not really yanked, but you know what I mean.

I have never been so embarrassed by my childrens' behavior!!  I fussed all the way home and sent them both to thier rooms until I calmed down enough to talk to them about it.  Actually, Dan took Tara and I took Savannah. 

Intranets - if there is some secret to getting your kids to behave during the church service, PLEASE let me in on it.  Nothing I do seems to make an impression. 

I love our modern worship, but right now, I feel the only alternative is to attend the traditional service from now own, so that the girls can attend children's church during the sermon.  Honestly, I think that is the only way I will be able to actually spend my time in worship and not as referee. And the traditional service is beautiful and the girls love children's church, so maybe that is where I am supposed to be.  I will go back to getting my praise fix from K-LOVE.

I am pretty sure that after today the other attendees of the modern service will not be sad to see us go...

Monday, April 12, 2010

You betcha...

Have I mentioned that I despise Sarah Palin?  Yeah, I think it has come up before...

So, obviously, I love this...

I heart Tina Fey!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I made this gazpacho

Heaven. in. my. mouth.

That's all.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Peep, Peep

I haven't been posting lunches that I make for the princesses anymore, but I saw these on another blog  the other day and they were so cute I just had to try them.  Then they were so cute, I had to take a picture.

Deviled eggs - I mounded the egg yolk filling and added a carrot sliver for the beak and chocolate sprinkles for the eyes.  (Yes, I know chocolate spinkles don't go with deviled eggs, but they were the only thing I had around that I could think of to work as the eyes.)  Also on the plate, apple slices and pretzels.  Simple, I know, but I knew even if they did not like the egg, they would eat the apple and pretzels.

I thought these were so cute and the girls were impressed!  With the appearance anyway.  Tara ate her entire plate.  Savannah, on the other hand, pronounced them cute but would not eat them. 

Oh, well, you win some, you lose some.  And they are still cute!  Peep!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Haiku for my hair

Wind is not my friend.
Nemesis of good hair days.
Damn you, wind, damn you.
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